EARASHI Partners will offer their expertise to provide successful applicants with additional coaching services aimed at helping their Application Experiments to reach better outcomes and results. As you can see below, our services are horizontal and can be helpful for a wide array of technological innovations proposed by your companies. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to get more information!

Life-cycle Analysis/Eco-Design [CEA]

The eco-design approach aims to integrate the environment impact from the design stage of a product or service, and throughout its life cycle. This transversal methodological approach guarantees a global reduction of the environmental impacts of the product-service system with a life cycle vision.

The eco-design service is designed to provide support adapted to every company, depending on the eco-design maturity level: how to size the approach? Who is involved and who takes the lead? What product and up to what extend?

Cybersecurity [CEA]

As part of the open-call procedure, EARASHI consortium will propose webinars introducing various cybersecurity problematics. The goal of these webinars will be to give attendees relevant information for their open-call proposal according to cybersecurity requirements.

A first webinar of 1h will be held during the open-call will propose various information on the recent EU legislative texts regarding cybersecurity and their impact on service providers and vendors.

It will also contain an introduction to future mandatory cybersecurity evaluation frameworks. This first webinar is likely destined to CEOs and strategy makers. A second webinar will follow, focusing on more technical topics and destined to CTOs or CSOs, CISOs.

Business Coaching [BLU]

BLUMORPHO is a private company delivering disruptive innovation in addressing business and society challenges. We combine business, sectorial and technical expertise in deep tech as well as breakthrough creativity to design and operate ecosystems accelerating disruption.

BLUMORPHO and its team of Deep Tech Experts leverage on promising technologies and new business models to lead organizations in morphing their business.

BLUMORPHO drives innovation by bringing its understanding of economic and industrial challenges and its global connections to the smart solutions ecosystem. Unlike incubators or accelerator programs that invest in promising startups, BLUMORPHO focuses on reducing the technological market and financial risk of adopting innovation.

Mentoring by Industrial pairs and access to validation facilities [STM]

Get the support from EARASHI industrial partners for the elaboration of the mentoring plan and standardisation of the contents, the definition of requirements & validation phases, with a dedicated focus on interfacing with industrial partners and grant owners. Roundtable meetings to “Exchange experiences”, focusing on similar background, and relevant AE similarities, and where relevant virtual/physical visits to industrial sites will be organised.

Human-centric design coaching [MDR]

Human-centric design coaching service is a comprehensive training program that is designed to help organizations develop products and services that are truly centered around the needs and preferences of their users.

This service is unique in that it provides training in tools for evaluating human factors and assists with evaluating technology acceptance. The service consists of five online workshops that cover a range of topics, including ergonomics, usability, and human-computer interaction.

Engineering system integration support [IKL]

In task T5.6 IKERLAN will support application experiment beneficiaries in system integration in accordance with the specific needs and requirements of the application experiment, connecting start-ups and SMEs with the partners they need support from. Typical support provided by the partners corresponds to access to CAD software, access to additive manufacturing tools, or PCB test facilities, among others.

In order to know in detail the services and facilities offered by the partners, personal meetings will be held with each of them. In this way, it will be possible to redirect beneficiaries to the right partner. In cases of doubt, partners will be contacted using the usual communication tools (email, Microsoft Teams…) to determine the most suitable partner to support the beneficiaries.

On the other hand, beneficiaries will be able to contact us by email or videoconference to inform us of any services or facilities they may need. Partners will provide support remotely where possible, although in some cases it may be necessary for partners or beneficiaries to attend each other’s facilities.

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