BB19: LeanDfX Framework [INEGI]

This BB consists of a lean-based framework (methodology + tool) developed by INEGI, devoted to Design Performance assessment, for either PRODUCTS / SYSTEMS namely complex products/systems in multiple dimensions “X” (multidimensional design performance assessment), based on life cycle mindset. Evaluate products and systems performance in the two components (effectiveness and efficiency) mapping the requirements/specification accomplishment and also inefficiency (over-engineering of design). Original Scorecards for performance mapping and related Design Parameters (Design KPIs).  It was developed after the need for processing multiple data and multiple dimensions (design iterations, specification iterations, KPIs, etc.) was identified.

The function of the BB is to Design Performance assessments, for either PRODUCTS / SYSTEMS namely complex products/systems in multiple dimensions “X” (multidimensional design performance assessment), based on a life cycle mindset.

The LeanDfX methodology is an innovative form to assess complex products and systems performance in a multi-dimensional way, Lean Thinking-based, Original Scorecards for multiple “X” disciplines, therefore, no other tool/methodology was identified with the same goal.

Products, Machines, and Systems development companies could be interested in this BB, which want to measure and track design versions and status of the design (effectiveness regarding objectives-requirements-specifications and efficiency – over-engineering). Mapping trade-offs in multiple dimensions of the design (Design for-Assembly, Manufacturing, Cost, Environment, Reliability, Safety, Circularity, Logistics, etc. etc.).

A typical use case of the BB would be Advanced Design Support to Products/Machines/Systems to development and design teams and companies.

As a requirement for the usage of the BB, SMEs must ensure good product structure information, vision to evolve their design process and adequate matured Management System (for instance that already use approaches such Lean Thinking) so that they can take full advantage of LeanDfX Tool and Methodology.

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January 31, 2023