Spin Robotics
About the MAS-AI Project
In the MAS-AI project by Spin-Robotics, a fully operational mobile screwdriving platform to demonstrate both assembly and dis-assembly of products are developed. The increasing focus towards re-manufacturing and automation of dismantling of products, requires new safe collaborative dis-assembly technologies. This is highly relevant in the marked where small agile robotics solutions are requested. Customer requests solutions with a minimum of integration and programming costs. However, these cost-efficient solutions must not compromise quality, why quality assurance system must be an integral part of the solution. In the field of automatic and semi-automatic screwdrivers, the torque at which screws are tightened and loosened with, is important to ensure the process quality. Traditionally, this torque is measured using an expensive and bulky, calibrated inline torque sensor that is an integrated part of the tool. Existing solutions with integrated torque transducer are too expensive for this new turn-key solution drive marked. To address this issue, Spin-robotics aims to achieve similar performance without using a torque sensor but instead applying AI technologies to precisely estimate the torque directly in the screwdriver’s controller firmware. Spin-Robotics will work closely with ST Microelectronics, implementing ST Artificial Intelligent solutions (Building Block 3) STM32Cube and benefitting from ST knowledge and expertise for optimizing their trained model.
Video Testimonial
*coming soon*