BB2: Motor Control Software Development Kit [STM]

STM will provide STM32 microcontroller and/or microprocessor to enable to implement end user applications or system. To In case that the end user does not plan any development STM32 board, ST will  provide fast prototyping solutions such as the STM32 nucleo or discovery kits boards.  To Speed up the development of an embedded project and to avoid time-consuming software development from scratch, with all the constraints that come with it. ST will give free access to the STM32Cube. STM32Cube is a proven software suite with direct access to many components ensuring interoperability and seamless reusability.

Using STM32Cube, end users can have access to MCU and MPU Packages for each individual STM32 MCU and MPUs series that include:

  • The hardware abstraction layer (HAL) enabling portability between different STM32 devices via standardized API calls
  • Low-layer (LL) APIs, a light-weight, optimized, expert oriented set of APIs designed for both performance and runtime efficiency
  • A collection of middleware components including RTOS, USB library, file system, TCP/IP stack, touch-sensing library or graphics library (depending on the STM32 series)
  • RF stacks such as Bluetooth® LE 5.2, OpenThread, Zigbee 3.0, LoRaWAN® and Sigfox, specific to every STM32 wireless series
  • For STM32 MPUs only, the BSP drivers are based on HAL drivers and provide an API Set to the evaluation board and 3rd party components.

Today, embedded hardware devices  need to perform more complex AI tasks Therefore ST will provide also the STM32Cube.AI is a free software tool to import and convert pre-trained Machine Learning or Neural Network models into optimized C code for STM32. STM32Cube.AI is a tool for users who have prior experience in creating and training deep learning NN models in frameworks such as TensorFlow Lite, Keras, qKeras or Pytorch.

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January 27, 2023