We would like invite you to participate in a Delphi study to assess the trends identified as potential disruptions for the future of manufacturing during the previous stage of the MASTT 2040 project!

 During this survey you will have a chance to evaluate hypertrends and anti-trends regarding their:

  • Estimated probability
  • Potential impact on the EU’s twin transition goals

Your insights will be instrumental in understanding the complex dynamics at play and informing strategic decisions for a sustainable and prosperous future for European manufacturing. They will also directly contribute to the creation of future scenarios for the manufacturing industry, to be explored during an interactive Scenario Workshop on 25/11 in Brussels (prior to the EDIH Summit).

More information and registration is available here:

Register now to save your spot!

The online Delphi study offers flexible participation at your convenience. Upon registration, you’ll receive detailed instructions and access to all necessary materials.

Register now to contribute with your expertise

Thank you for your commitment to the MASTT2040 project. Together, we can shape the future of European manufacturing.

In case of any questions, please email to our project partner Karol Wasilewski at karol@4cf.pl